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Getting Started

Follow these steps to set up and launch your successful Good Dog! Fundraiser

Person Writing

Get Familiar with our Fundraising Process

Keep a copy of these orientation slides handy  - it's packed with vital info for your fundraising journey.


Build the Ultimate Fundraising Database

Maximize your fundraising potential by creating a detailed list potential donors and resourceful contacts. 


Social Media Fundraising Bonus Tips

Use these best practices when sharing your fundraiser online.


Set Up Your Fundraising Website

Write an engaging fundraising story by filling out our "Writing Your Fundraising Story" Google form


Mail Your Fundraising Appeal Letters

These ready-to-use templates make making writing fundraising letters that get results effortless. 


Get Ready to Answer the #1 Donor Question

Use the "Service Dog to the Rescue Worksheet" to brainstorm ways a service dog may help your child.


Create Consistency with a Social Media Strategy

Confidently launch your online fundraiser this sample social media campaign that's easily customizable to fit your needs.

Some resources contain proprietary and confidential information.

Please do not share with the public without permission.

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